Over Your Ed - Ed, Edd N Eddy Episode 4 Review


Ed, Edd N Eddy for the longest time has been my personal favorite cartoon. Recently, HBOMax has picked up several cartoons from the late 90s and early 2000s. Unsurprisingly, I went on an immediate nostalgia bender and binge-watched the entire series with my lady love. And what better way to celebrate several of my favorite cartoons than by systematically reviewing each episode, starting with the dorks of Peach Creek.

To keep things simple and to help me keep my sanity, allow me to break down how I plan on scoring these episodes:

Each will be given a rating out of 10. To help solidify what those numbers mean, I have adopted a system similar to Angry Joe's rating system. To explain further:

10- Big Boi Lovings. Any issues are minor enough that they do not affect the score.

9- P. Awesome. Nearly flawless, has a few issues that are bad enough.

8- P. Great. The media is great. Not perfect but better than most.

7- P. Good. Above average with some rough issues.

6- Hard Enjoy. I want to be a huge fan of it, but it's rough.

5- Aight. Average, just okay.

4- Unoffensive. I didn't enjoy it, but I certainly don't hate it.

3- Bad. Has enough issues to make angry or regret consuming it.

2- Poopie Bad Stuff. Terrible. No enjoyment, but it didn't cause me to rant.

1- Dupid. I hate it. Enough to get angry any time I think about it.

Furthermore, key points I'll judge an episode on are:

Visual - Whether they be character, backgrounds or accessories.

Comedy - This is a haha funny show, so it needs decent comedy.

Story - The plot of the episode. The narrative attempting to be told.

The Scam - The ploy the Eds develop to get the money from the other kids.

Normally I would also talk about music and acting for visual media - and I'll definitely still touch upon it - but since it's a cartoon, most of the music and sound effects will be repeated throughout the series, so I would be repeating myself a lot. As far as voice acting goes, I'll also touch upon it -but wouldn't want it to affect the score, unless it's either extremely bad or extremely good.

With the formalities out of the way, let's dive into episode four of Ed, Edd N' Eddy

Over Your Ed

The title card for this episode is one of the more pleasant looking ones so far. Instead of abstract weirdness we are treated to a night sky portrait that immediately reminds me of Starry Night. We see three houses, all with lights turned on, and a night sky. In the back we can see a colorful sun dripping below the horizon, suggesting that nighttime has just fallen. My eye is immediately drawn to the shooting star that is passing over. This imagery, coupled with the title would suggest, of course, one of the Eds getting too far into a con and thus being "over their head." The star could suggest fame or popularity and it's likely, from what we know of the Eds at this point, that they've some kind of scheme to make every like them for false reasons. If I were to judge the episode base on the title card alone then it would definitely be a 10/10. The card is beautiful, and it does perform an accurate job of depicting what events are to follow.

The episode opens on Double D's bathroom. We instantly know because of the neat, orderly, and obsessive way everything is labelled. We pan over to find Edd in the tab, wearing a shower cap over his head. Even when bathing, Edd refused to allow us a glimpse at what lies atop his head. We see him furiously using a loofa, which I funnily enough associate the tool with Double D thanks to this show, to scrub out a spot. After several seconds of intense scrubbing, the Ed-boy feels defeated and screams out the name of his foe: "Stubborn grass stain".

We get a transition to Eddy also getting ready to start his day. He is singing off-key while dancing in his shower. We also see him wearing goggles for... some reason. Is this a common thing people have done? I get it is to keep the soap / shampoo out of one's eyes but... it seems odd to me. We see him using his brush and a bar of soap as props, and with a squeeze and a yell, Eddy sends the bar of soap flying into the air and directly into his mouth. His mouth bubbles up with soap and we get another scene change.

We first get a pan over of Ed's disgusting bathroom in the basement. His appliances are all green with gross stains hanging off of each surface. Ed steps into the mirror, with an obnoxious fly following overhead, before questioning why he is even in the bathroom in the first place. This episode gives us more insight into how each Ed starts their day. Of course, I'm repeating myself but, we see each character's personality and traits reinforced through their normal routine. Edd being am obsessive germaphobe, feeling forced to feel despair after he cannot get a stubborn stain out. Eddy being a playful loudmouth who is always trying to look cool. Edd who is absent minded and doesn't care much for personal hygiene. It's great character creation and storytelling when you are able to effortlessly reflect your protagonists' personality just through their daily routine. And it doesn't feel forced in the slightest, these are things that feel very natural for the Eds to do.

Our scene transitions over to the Edd setting up what appears to be a lemonade stand. We see him carefully carrying a pitcher and container of sugar. The stand falls apart just as Double D reaches it. Eddy comes in from off screen and casually offers to "have a pro" fix the stand. He first just lifts the end up and props it under table. He exclaims he is ready "to quench thirst for cash" and leans against their stand, causing it fall once more. Another cut shows us that Eddy has hammered numerous nails into the stubborn end, forcing it into place. Meanwhile, Edd is carefully counting each individual grain of sugar to place in their lemonade. After a moment, the tall and smelly Ed appears to help out. Eddy puts him to work by having him put up their "En-o-Gee Drinks" sign so that they can attract their customers. Eddy tries to help Ed get it just right, which puts Eddy directly in line with Ed's armpit. Eddy jumps away and asks Ed when the last time he had a bath was. Ed harmlessly admits he does not remember.

Eddy switches gears to help Double D, smacking him on the back and asking if the drinks are ready. Double D grows annoyed at the interruption and informs Eddy that he's counting sugar. In response, Eddy decides to dump an entire bag of sugar into the mix behind Edd's back - not for nefarious means, mind you, but this is simply what Eddy believes is the best for the product. Ed, being the lovable guy that he is, makes his way over to Double D to also try to help. Edd attempts to be polite but becomes disgusted once he learns his friend is the source of a grotesque smell. He sprays air freshener after shooing Ed away, muttering one of his catchphrases, "smelly, smelly, smelly."

Double D then proceeds to taste test the drink, still unaware of how much sugar Eddy had dumped into it. He downs the drink, makes an odd grimace, before launching several feet into the air. When he lands, he is talking super-fast and feels compelled to run. Double D, of course, is experiencing a sugar rush. Eddy is confused but doesn't have much time to think about it as a few customers make their way over. Ed asks to be the "sales-Ed", to which Eddy immediately denies. Double D encourages Ed, saying that it couldn't hurt anything.

Eddy stands next to Ed and unenthusiastically, whispers for what he wants Ed to say. Ed repeats what Eddy tells him, shouting out at the top his lungs, "Ladies and Gentlemen, come buy a deciduous - Hello!" before Nazz and Kevin walk up. Kevin is, as always, unimpressed with the Ed's antics. Nazz is her usual chill self and giggles politely. Ed insists that they try some and, in the process, easily breaks apart the stand. He attempts to repair it, still holding onto the pitcher, but only manages to break it more before he ends up on the pavement, spilling the drink everywhere. Meanwhile, during the whole escapade, we can see Double D running aimlessly in the background.

The two kids leave, not purchasing a single thing. Eddy tries to reprimand Ed, unsuccessfully, resulting in him asking "what are we going to do with you?". This prompts Double D to suggest a complete image makeover. Eddy likes the idea and wants to transform Ed into the definition of cool. The first step in their process is to clean Ed up and make him smell a lot less horribly. We get a scene transition to where Ed is sitting naked in a red wagon. We see that Edd has created an "Ed Car Wash." They send Ed through the wash, dumping cold water on him and scrubbing away all the dirt and stink. Double D operates the apparatus, still full of sugar and hyper. Edd proceeds to fix Ed's hair, showing us that he is a redhead just like his sister.

Eddy then takes Ed to his place, wanting to get him some new threads. Eddy enters his walk-in closet and picks out a new outfit for his friend while Edd quickly measures the tall Ed-boy. Eddy tosses several new clothes at Ed and orders him to try them on. We get a cut to black and, after some time, Ed reveals his new look. He is wearing a white turtleneck, a pink and blue leather jacket and striped, blue pants. Eddy his happy with is appearance and moves on to teaching Ed some cool moves and poses. We get a quick moment of slapstick before Edd interrupts, saying that he has compiled a list of catchphrases and cool lines. Double D repeatedly interrupts himself as he keeps coming up with more, showing his mind is still moving at a mile a minute. Eddy then declares it is time for a test drive and we get another scene transition.

They take Ed out to the lane before hiding and waiting for one of the kids to make their way down the path. We see Jimmy skipping through and Ed becomes momentarily nervous, looking over the notes that Edd had made him. He tries to relax and nonchalantly leans against the fence and whistles. Jimmy approaches and says hello, not recognizing Ed. Ed responds with "Swiggty-Swag, what's in the bag?" - one of the best lines in the entire cartoon. Jimmy is startled once he learns that it is Ed, and quickly asks if Eddy is around. This interaction suggests that Jimmy is not usually apprehensive to the Eds, only towards Eddy. This could also hint towards how the other kids view the Eds. We see later on Double D acting friendly with Kevin in a separate episode. Now, both instances could be for other reasons as well. Ed is Sarah's brother, so naturally Jimmy has probably seen the boy pretty often. He most likely knows that Ed is usually friendly and harmless. And the scene we see with Kevin in a different episode is explained as the bully just needing Double D's big brain. However, the theory can be made that the Eds would be more popular and more friendly with the other neighborhood kids if it was not for Eddy's antics. Just a theory, a cartoon theory (trademarked, plz do not steal MatPat).

Ed busts out more cool lines with Jimmy, causing the young man to laugh. Jimmy then invites Ed to come play with him and the rest of the kids. Eddy and Double D are surprised how well it worked and move to watch Ed interact with the entire cal-de-sac. We get a screen wipe as Jimmy brings Ed to the kids. Everyone, excluding Kevin, is warm and friendly towards Ed. Kevin is still suspicious, wondering what the dorks are up to now. Ed busts out another line and Kevin becomes a touch more relaxed. The kids pull Ed along, wanting to hear more of his "witty Ed-isms". Eddy becomes quickly begins scheming, thinking of the best way to sell Ed and his company.

A scene transition shows us that the Eds have set up shop inside a shed (possibly Rolf's?) with signs outside inviting people to meet Ed the Great. Eddy charges for admission, forcing Johnny to pay 25 cents for both him and Plank. Ed then pops up on a stage after the kids chant his name. Ed busts out some more lines, getting positive reactions from the kids. Double D and Eddy are happy things are going so well until the Kankers literally kick in the door. The sisters approach Ed and the boy becomes nervous. The girls tease Ed, wanting him to say something funny. Ed checks his notes and is quickly called out by May. She steals the paper and says Ed is cheating. The girls begin to attack Ed, ripping his jacket off and pushing him into a curtain. (Slight continuity error: when Marie spins Ed, we see he is wearing his normal clothes instead of his cool clothes.) Ed calls to Eddy for help, but the three boys end up in a dog pile. Eddy is desperate for Ed to continue the show, which ultimately results in Ed becoming fully disrobed. The Kankers push the boys and they end up in a wheelbarrow full of manure. The kids smell the boys and instantly take off. The sisters steal the money and leave the boys alone in the shed, defeated.

We get a scene cut to wear Eddy is grumbling over losing everything. Edd has a huge ice cube placed against his head, finally coming down from his sugar high. Ed tries to bust out another line, still happy to have been hanging out with his friends. Eddy lets another grumble escape as the episode comes to a close.

The Breakdown

The Visuals

The most noteworthy visual change is Ed, of course. Seeing him with his real hair color and dressed in a different outfit is certainly fun. We don't really see anything too new, excluding Ed's makeover. The rest of the episode is still done in the artistic and wonderful style the show continues to sport. The animation is still smooth, the expressions are still exaggerated, and the visual jokes and the slap stick still hits. Overall, with the additions of the Eds morning routine and Ed's new look, I give the episode a


P. Awesome

The Comedy

This is the first episode to make me laugh out loud at some the quick-witted comments from Eddy and Ed. The way the two interact and some of their lines caused me to snort a few times. Other than these lines, which I of course won't spoil, we get the usual slap stick - the Eds get hurt throughout the episode, Ed breaks things, Eddy gets mad - the whole nine yards. There is the addition of Double D being hyper, and the visual gag of him uncontrollably running in the background while everyone continues as normal is a 10/10 joke on its own.


Big Boi Lovings

The Story

This is one of the most memorable stories the show tells. Easily one of the episodes I come back to over and over again. The premise is a fun one and being able to watch the characters act out of character is always a treat. The show tackles this premise a few different times in the series, all of which are enjoyable, but none of which are as memorable as Ed becoming the cool kid. Swiggity-swag, what's in the bag will live in my head rent free until the day I die. The ending is... a tad disappointing. While it is common for the Kankers to be the antagonistic force, they do kinda appear out of nowhere and are just there to give the Eds a comeuppance that they don't necessarily deserve. Other than that, a nearly flawless episode.


P. Awesome

The Scam

Big meh energy. The two scams we see are, of course, En-O-Gee Drinks and Ed the Great. While these are both memorable, they don't particularly fit the mold of a scam. They have the same shortcomings as the Ed's Hive Bee Gone scam, whereas it's not really a scam - it's a service they are providing. The En-O-Gee Drinks was a run of the mill lemonade stand - no gimmicks or trickery. Ed, while he was using notes to remember the cool lines and phrases, was just acting - also no gimmicks or trickery. While both are memorable, I can't score them very high since they are not technically scams.



Final Verdict


P. Great

While not a perfect episode, it is certainly one of the most memorable and one of my favorites. Ed the Great is one of the most fun scams the Eds pull off - however, it does not fully satisfy my criteria for a scam so it doesn't get full marks. This, coupled with the Kankers randomly appearing and ruining things prevents me from giving me the episode a higher rating. Still, one of the greats and I highly recommend it.


(See the "AImless" blog post to get this joke)

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