New Year, New Chances
Happy New Year! Goo Morning, folks and Happy New Year! It's been awhile since I last updated this blog and I'm hoping to try to bring a change to that. What better time to bring change to my creative life than a new year? When will I get a cliche like this again? But to be a little more serious, I am hoping to bring about one big change to my career as a content creator - consistency. Consistency is something I've always lacked, unfortunately. Perhaps not necessarily in the quality of the content that I've released but in the frequency of said content. I've fallen into a comfortable loop of working really hard on projects for a block of time and then either seldom visiting my work or going on long hiatuses. I enjoy giving myself the excuse that my full time job prevents me from being able to be contently creating and releasing content. Truly, though, the real issue is poor planning. I honestly believe that if I made the time to schedule and plan my release...