I Have Anger, I Have Hate... I Will Use Them (Obi-Wan Finale Rant)
Hello there! SPOILERS AHEAD. I didn't want to write this rant but there is so much anger circulating my brain that the only healthy way to dispose of that emotion is to channel it into something productive. Let me start of by saying that I wanted to like this series. When the rumors of an Obi-Wan Kenobi show / movie started doing the rounds, I was kinda hyped for it. I was curious to see what they could do with this beloved character. Apparently all they could do was make a show filled with logical fallacies and complete disregard for character motivation just to show off some cool images and set pieces. Before I get too far into the rant, I wanna apologize if any of this seems a tad disjointed or unorganized. I'm literally writing this just after watching the final episode and I'm allowing the words just to flow forth from me. Another thing I want to mention before I tear this finale apart worse than Darth Vader tore that ship apart, I do not blame a...