Nintendo is the Mobile King
Hiya, folks. Been awhile since we last spoke - which I swear is not a product of today's post! (If anything, my modded Skyrim is to blame. Let's Play to come... Let's be real, like, 8 years from now. ) I had the game Animal Crossing on my mind, particularly because of a project I got cooking ( haven't even done the prep yet, you liar ), and it reminded me of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. For those who are uncultured swine unaware, Animal Crossing is a life simulation game. You move into a new town, along with up to three other human characters, and live among anthropomorphic characters. And that's pretty much it. You do normal life simulation stuff - fish, socialize, pay off your debt, decorate your home ECT. In the Pocket Camp mobile game you are living in a camp site, as opposed to a town or village. You have your own camper and everything. It fits perfectly alongside the main series games and it got me thinking of how great Nintendo's mobile game is. Let...